EPMAN is the Expert Panel on Mitigating Agricultural Nitrogen, set up under the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. This panel will develop the work previously covered by the former Ammonia Expert Group, reflecting the request from the Executive Body of the Convention. The immediate tasks are:

In the longer term, the group will further develop work on a wider intergrated approach to mitigating nitrogen losses from agriculture, in particular relating transboundary air pollution to the other threat issues.

We are very grateful that Canada, the Czech Republic and Austria, who currently support Shabtai Bittman, Martin Dedina and Barbara Amon as co-chairs of this Expert Panel.

If you are interested in getting involved inthe work of EPMAN, please contact trfn@ceh.ac.uk to register your interest.

A list of current EPMAN members and their contact details can be found on the EPMAN Members and Contact Details Page. [Members Only]

Guidance Document

The members of EPMAN have updated the Guidance Document, and it has now been adopted by the Executive Body of the LRTAP Convention. A hardcopy version 'Options for ammonia abatement: Guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen' has recently been published by the Task Force and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and can be downloaded here.

EPMAN Meetings


This was held alongside the TFRN-9 meeting, in Madrid, 2014.


The sixth meeting of the panel was held in Copenhagen in May 2013.

Meetings in Berlin, Sep 2012

An informal meeting of EPMAN occured on the 27th September, where work on the Framework Code was discussed. A summary of the meeting can be found here.

A joint meeting (EPMAN and the Agriculture and Nature Panel of the Task Force on Emissions Inventories and Projections) was held to discuss guidebook methodologies and mitigation techniques in Berlin, Germany, 28th September 2012. A summary of the meeting can be found here.


The EPMAN-5 meeting was held in St Petersburg, Russia on the 28th February, 2012. Presentations at this meeting can be found here.


The EPMAN-4 meeting was held in Rome, May 10th, 2011. The documents from this meeting will be posted soon.


The EPMAN-3 meeting was held in Dublin, 24th-25th September 2009 and discussed options for the revision of the Gothenburg Protocol and supporting documents, in preparation for their adoption by the Task Force at their next meeting (24th-25th Nov 2009). Please visit 'EPMAN-3' for more information on this meeting.


The second meeting of the Expert Panel was held on the 27th April 2009, the day before the second Task Force Meeting (28th-29th April) at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Please visit the 'EPMAN-2 page' to access the Agenda and presentations made.


The panel held its first meeting on the 12th November, in Milan, after the TFEIP meeting (10th-11th November). Please see the 'Documents' page for more information.