Welcome to the TFRN website
This is the website of theTask Force on Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN) under the Working Group on Strategies and Review of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

TFRN is led by Denmark.

The Co-Chairs are Mark Sutton (United Kingdom), Tommy Dalgaard (Denmark) and Claudia Marques-dos-Santos Cordovil (Portugal).

The Task Force holds plenary meetings at least once a year, see below for details on the past and future TFRN meetings.

Several Expert Panels have been set up by the TFRN, the Expert Panel on Mitigation of Agricultural Nitrogen (EPMAN) the Expert Panel on Nitrogen Budgets (EPNB), the Expert Panel on Nitrogen and Food (EPNF) and the Expert Panel on Nitrogen in countries of Eastern Europe Central Caucasus and Asia (EPN-EECCA). These panels can meet more often than the TFRN, work on specific issues and provide input to TFRN.

Options for Ammonia Abatement: Guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen

The Task Force (in collaboration with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) has recently printed a version of the updated Guidance Document on Control Techniques for Preventing and Abating Emissions of Ammonia which was adopted by the Executive Body in 2012. The volume has been titled 'Options for Ammonia Abatement: Guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen'.

9th meeting of the Task Force Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN-9)

The TFRN-9 meeting and associated meetings was held in Madrid, Spain (24th-27th March). Please visit the TFRN-9 page for further information, including agendas, background documents and minutes.

International Agroenvironmental Forum, 21-23 May, 2013, in St-Petersburg, the Russian Federation

This event took place on the premises of North-West Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Electrification (SZNIIMESH) of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The forum is designed as un umbrella for three events: 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ecology and Farming technologies: agro-engineering approaches”, 3-rd International conference of Nordic countries “Field Research for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas” and Round Table Discussion “Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Effect of Reactive Nitrogen in Farming”.

8th meeting of the Task Force Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN-8)

TFRN-8 was held jointly with a meeting of the Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling (TFIAM) and a workshop on Green Growth. The main TFRN meeting was held on the 25th-26th April (lunchtime - lunchtime) in Copenhagen. Please visit here for more information and to access the presentations.

Workshop on global nitrogen scenarios in the 21st century

The 'Workshop on global nitrogen scenarios in the 21st century', took place on the 11th-12th October 2012 at IIASA/Laxenburg.

7th meeting of the Tast Force Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN-7) and Expert Workshop 'Abating ammonia emissions in the UNECE and EECCA region in the context of the nitrogen cycle'

The TFRN-7 and associated meetings were held in late Feb/early Mar in St Petersburg, Russia. Links to the meetings, presentations and background documents can be found here. A link to the co-chairs report can be found here.

6th meeting of the Task Force Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN-6)

TFRN-6 was held in Rome, Italy, at ENEA on the 10th-12th May 2011please visit the TFRN-6 homepage for access to presentations and documents.

The European Nitrogen Assessment

The European Nitrogen Assessment (in short ENA) was launched at the Nitrogen & Global Change event in Edinburgh on the 11th April, 2011.

Edinburgh Declaration on Reactive Nitrogen

Edinburgh Declaration on Reactive Nitrogen emerging from the Nitrogen & Global Change event launched

5th meeting of the Task Force Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN-5)

TFRN-5 was held in Paris on the 25th-27th October 2010, along with a workshop on estimating costs of ammonia abatement. 


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