TFRN-3 Documents
This page contains the background documents for the TFRN-3 meeting. If you wish to comment on some of the documents, please send these comments to preferably by the 12th November, this will enable us to post the comments, in advance of the meeting so that they can be read by other participants before the Task Force meeting.
Documents which are listed in italics have previously been posted on another page and are added here for completeness.
Overview of the process
TFRN-3 General Documents
- TFRN-3 Meeting Report - (includes Annexes A & B referred to in the revised Annex IX document)
- Draft revised Annex IX text developed at TFRN-3 for submission to WGSR-46
- Estimating abatement costs (Zig Klimont)
- Presentation
- Suggested workplan/priorities (this was circulated for comment in December 2009)
- Background documents
Options for the revision of Annex IX (outcomes from EPMAN-3)
- Integrated N management and feeding (see also guidance document and supporting excel spreadsheet in 'Guidance document' section on this topic)
- Slurry storage
- Land application of manures
- Application of mineral fertilizers
- Animal housing
Discussion on possible farm size thresholds
Other issues relevant to the options for Appendix IX revision
- Land application of slurries with low dry matter and TAN contents. **New version posted 27th October 10am**
- Reducing ammonia emissions - the Application Timing Management Systems (ATMS) approach
Revision of the Guidance Document for control of ammonia emissions
- Guidance Document: proposed revisions for land application of manures.
- Supporting excel spreadsheet - Landspreading cost
- Guidance Document: proposed revision for integrated N management and feedingGuidance Document: proposed revisions for animal housing [awaiting final version]
- Supporting excel spreadsheet - Animal feed management
Existing official UNECE Documentation
- Full Gothenburg Protocol (Adopted in 1999, entered into force 2005)
- Gothenburg Protocol (1999) - Annex IX ONLY
- Code for good practice for reducing ammonia (2001) document EB.AIR/WG.5/2001/7
- Guidance document on control techniques for preventing and abating emissions of ammonia (2007) document ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/2007/13
Other documentation relevant for the meeting
- Questionnaire response: landspreading experience in the Netherlands
- Questionnaire response: landspreading experience in Denmark
- CEMEGREF Survey document
- EPMAN commissioned report: Review of the efficiency of methods to reduce emissions of ammonia following the application of manures to land, their costs, potential agronomic benefits and impacts on emissions of nitrous oxide [previously posted as several documents, now available as one pdf]
Comments Section
Please note that not all sections will have comments in them.
Comments on: Options for the revision of Annex IX (outcomes from EPMAN-3)
- Integrated N management and feeding
- Slurry storage
- Land application of manures
- Application of mineral fertilizers
- Animal housing
Comments on: Discussion on possible farm size thresholds
- Draft Appendix A - simpler approach
- Draft Appendix B - detailed approachFarm sizes in EU
- Draft Appendix B comments: Nick Hutchings Added 23/11/09
Comments on: Other issues relevant to the options for Appendix IX revision
- Land application of slurries with low dry matter and TAN contents. **New version posted 27th October 10am**
- Reducing ammonia emissions - the Application Timing Management Systems (ATMS) approach
Comments on: Revision of the Guidance Document for control of ammonia emissions
- Guidance Document: proposed revisions for land application of manures.
- Guidance Document: proposed revision for integrated N management and feedingGuidance Document: proposed revisions for animal housing [awaiting final version]
- Supporting excel spreadsheet - Animal feed management
Comments on: Other documentation relevant for the meeting
- Questionnaire response: landspreading experience in the Netherlands
- Questionnaire response: landspreading experience in Denmark
- CEMEGREF Survey document
- EPMAN commissioned report: Review of the efficiency of methods to reduce emissions of ammonia following the application of manures to land, their costs, potential agronomic benefits and impacts on emissions of nitrous oxide [previously posted as several documents, now available as one pdf]