Welcome to the TFRN website
This is the website of theTask Force on Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN) under the Working Group on Strategies and Review of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

TFRN is led by Denmark.

The Co-Chairs are Mark Sutton (United Kingdom), Tommy Dalgaard (Denmark) and Claudia Marques-dos-Santos Cordovil (Portugal).

The Task Force holds plenary meetings at least once a year, see below for details on the past and future TFRN meetings.

Several Expert Panels have been set up by the TFRN, the Expert Panel on Mitigation of Agricultural Nitrogen (EPMAN) the Expert Panel on Nitrogen Budgets (EPNB), the Expert Panel on Nitrogen and Food (EPNF) and the Expert Panel on Nitrogen in countries of Eastern Europe Central Caucasus and Asia (EPN-EECCA). These panels can meet more often than the TFRN, work on specific issues and provide input to TFRN.

4th meeting of the Task Force Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN-4)

The fourth meeting of the Task Force Reactive Nitrogen was held in May 11-13, 2010 in Prague/CZ, please visit the Documents to access the meeting reports and background documents. 

3rd meeting of the Task Force Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN-3)

The third meeting of the Task Force Reactive Nitrogen has been held near Schipol airport, at the IBIS Hotel on the 24th-25th November 2009. Documents are available on the Documents page soon.

2nd meeting of the Task Force Reative Nitrogen (TFRN-2)

This meeting took place in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 28th-29th April 2009.
Please visit the Documents page for more information and follow the links to TFRN-2 documents and presentations.

1st meeting of the Task Force Reative Nitrogen (TFRN-1)

The first meeting of TFRN took place on 21-23 May 2008 at the Wageningen International Conference Centre (WICC), the Netherlands. Presentations and documents from the meeting can be downloaded from the 'Documents' page.


The fourth meeting of the Task Force Reactive Nitrogen will be held in Prague 12-13 May - preceeded by Expert Panel meetings on the 11th May.


The third meeting of the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen will take place on 24th and 25th November, 2009. The meeting will involve discussing and agreeing upon the options for amending Annex IX of the Gothenburg Protocol, to be taken forward to the Working Group of Strategies and Review of the UNECE Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution. More information on the meeting and a registration page will be made available in due course.


Third meeting of the Expert Panel on Mitigation of Agricultural Nitrogen. This meeting will be focussed on the discussion of options for amending Annex IX of the Gothenburg Protocol and supporting documents. Registration for this meeting is now open, please visit the EPMAN-3 page for further links and information regarding the meeting.


Nitrogen Deposition and Natura 2000: COST729 Mid-term Workshop, Brussels

To harmonize approaches for determining the impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on Natura 2000 and review the future policy options.

Meeting of the Expert Panel on Mitigation of Agricultural Nitrogen (EPMAN) 12th November, Milan

The first meeting of the 'Expert Panel on the Mitigation of Agricultural Nitrogen' (EPMAN) is being held on the 12th November 2008 in Milan. The meeting will occur after the meeting of the 'Task Force on Emissions Inventories and Projections' (TFEIP), on the 10-11th November, in the same location.

NitroEurope IP Annual Meeting

The 4th annual meeting and general assembly of the NitroEurope IP will be held in Gothenburg/Sweden, from January 26-29, 2009. For more information, check the NitroEurope website at www.nitroeurope.eu.


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