This page provides links to the presentations made at the EPMAN-5 meeting in St Petersburg, Russia, February 2012.

1. Introduction from the co-chairs of the Expert Panel, and from participants Role of the EPMAN in the process of the GP/Annex IX revision

2. Discussion with ECCA country representatives about their insights, wishes, ideas dealing with GP

3. Introduction of Gothenburg Protocol (GP) principles and its aims in ECCA countries - Oene Oenema and Mark Sutton

  • A short explanation of significance of the Gothenburg Protocol, Annex IX of the GP and its dissemination
  • Provision of information from the 49th WGSR meeting hold in September 2011 in Geneva and Overview of current revised of the Annex IX

4. Final discussion of the Guidance Document for Preventing and Abating Ammonia Emissions from Agricultural Sources - Shabtai Bittman, Martin Dedina, Oene Oenema, Mark Sutton

  • Finalisation of the chapters
  • Final check of its linkage with the Annex IX
  • Final assessment of costs need for GP principles implementation
  • What needs to be done before approval

5. Final discussion of the Guidance Document for Preventing and Abating Ammonia Emissions from Agricultural Sources (continued)

6. Draft Book on Cost and Benefits of NH3 Emission Abatement

7. Framework code Martin Dedina and Shabtai Bittman

  • Purpose of the code, suggestions of aims; Confirm lead writers Structure and contain of the code, scale of provided information
  • Discussion about multi-pollution assessment of abatement measures

8. Discussion of paper by Sintermann et al. 2011. in Biogeoscience: Are ammonia emissions from field-applied slurry substantially over-estimated in European emission inventories? http://www.biogeosciences-discuss.net/8/10069/2011/bgd-8-10069-2011.pdf

9. Confirming actions and key priorities (approval of the Guidance Document)