Joint DG ENV & TFRN workshop: Towards joined-up nitrogen guidance for air, water and climate co-benefits. Brussels, October 11th and 12th, 2016

The European Commission (DG Environment) and the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN) recognize that nitrogen is leading to many benefits and threats across the environment and that a joined-up perspective across the nitrogen cycle should offer many co-benefits.

Current guidance documentation is typically separated according to environmental issue and nitrogen form. Taking a focus on European agricultural practices as a starting point, this workshop will focus on bringing together existing guidance to reduce the adverse effects of nitrogen use, while maximizing its benefits for food and energy supply.

The workshop will allow the discussion of background documents addressing different parts of the agricultural system, the preparation of working group reports on the opportunities for synergy and avoidance of trade-offs, and the preparation of an outline for a future “EC / UNECE Guidance Document on Joined-up Nitrogen Management in Agriculture”. 

The agenda is here and a link to registration can be found here.

Background documents for the meeting can be downloaded here:

Theme 1: Principles of overall N Management

Theme 2: Housed livestock, manure storage, manure processing

Theme 3: Field application of organic and inorganic fertilizers

Theme 4: Land use and landscape management 


If you require further information please contact